
I am a senior at Hunter College High School in New York City. The personal projects on this webpage highlight my passions for science, finance, and music. In addition to these passions, I am also involved in leadership roles with: Rock the Street, Wall Street; Hunter's Organization for Latinx Americans (HOLA); and Hunter's Multicultural Student Organization.   



Science: The Lab Notebook


I am the founder and editor-in-chief of my high school's first student run publication on science research. The articles are written by HCHS students in the areas of scientific research they are currently involved in or have a passion for. I was inspired through my research work at Columbia University to start this publication as a means to expand interest in STEM in my high school's student body community. Below is a link to the pdf file of the publication. This is an annual publication.

/files/1250226/HCHS Lab Notebook 

Finance: Wall Street Firms for Girls


I am the founder of Wall Street Firms for Girls, an informational podcast that teaches financial literacy and serves to inspire interest in financial careers among high school and college women. I was inspired to launch this podcast given my leadership involvement as Student CEO of Rock the Street, Wall Street. My podcast has been featured in the national newsletters of Rock the Street, Wall Street and the The Investment Diversity Exchange (TIDE), and can be found on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google, and other streaming services. Below is a link to my podcast where you can listen to my interviews with leading women executives across different careers in finance.


Music: Published Songs

My passion for science is equaled by my passion for music.  I have written over 70 songs and have published two on Apple iTunes, Spotify, and other streaming services. Below is a link to some of my songs.  I hope you enjoy my music and thank you. 
